Editorial Board

The Editorial Board is led by Editor-in-Chief Michiyuki Matsuda who is Professor at the University of Kyoto. He is supported by a number of Associate Editors and an Editorial Board.

The role of the Associate Editors is to engage peer reviewers, assess their reviews and recommend a decision to the Editor-in-Chief. The Editorial Board provides ongoing advice and support. More details about the peer review process at the journal are available on the About page.

The information listed below is also available in PDF format.
2025-2026 Editorial Board | 2025-2026 International Editorial Board


Michiyuki MATSUDAKyoto University and University of YamanashiFluorescent imaging, Siganl transduction

Associate Editor

Kazuhiro AOKIKyoto UniversitySignal transduction
Yasuyuki FUJITAKyoto UniversityCell competition, cell-cell adhesions, cell-cell communication
Mitsunori FUKUDATohoku UniversityMembrane traffic, small GTPase Rab, organelle
Mikio FURUSENIPSCell-cell junction, tight junction
Gohta GOSHIMANagoya UniversityCytoskeleton and cell motility
Satoshi GOTORikkyo UniversityIntracellular traffic and organelles, Drosophila, development
Yoko HAMAZAKIKyoto UniversityImmunology
Tetsuya HIGASHIYAMAUniversity of TokyoAdvanced technology, plant cell biology, reproduction, cell-cell communication
Koji IKEGAMIHiroshima UniversityMicrotubule, cilia, flagella, imaging, genome editing
Junichi IKENOUCHIKyushu UniversityCell adhesion and extracellular matrix、cytoskeleton and cell motility
Naotada ISHIHARAOsaka UniversityIntracellular traffic and organelles
Tohru ISHITANIOsaka UniversitySignal transduction
Toshiki ITOHKobe UniversitySignal transduction
Masato KANEMAKINIG Biotechnology, chromosome biology and cell cycle
Hiroyasu KIDOYAUniversity of FukuiCell growth, differentiation and death
Etsuko KIYOKAWAKanazawa Medical UniversityCytoskeleton and cell motility
Yuko KIYOSUEKansai Medical UniversityCytoskeleton and cell motility
Hidetaka KOSAKOTokushima UniversityAdvanced technology
Akiko KUMAOsaka UniversityIntracellular traffic and organelles
Erina KURANAGATohoku University and Kyoto UniversityMorphogenesis, cell migration, cell death
Kazuhiro MAESHIMANIG and SOKENDAINuclei, chromosomes, chromatin
Noriyuki MATSUDAScience TokyoMembrane traffic, organelles, and intracellular degradation
Hiroaki MIKIKyoto UniversitySignal transduction
Atsushi MOCHIZUKIKyoto UniversityTheoretical biology, ,mathematical biology, modeling
Fumio MOTEGIHokkaido UniversityCell polarity, cytoskeleton, embryogenesis , gametogenesis, mechanobiology
Shigeo MURATAUniversity of TokyoLife of protein
Fubito NAKATSUNiigata UniversityIntracellular traffic and organelles
Kazuhisa NAKAYAMAKyoto UniversityIntracellular traffic and organelles
Yukako ODAKyoto UniversityCell adhesion and extracellular matrix
Kazumasa OHASHITohoku UniversityCytoskeleton and cell motility
Yusuke OHBAHokkaido UniversitySignal transduction
Shizue OHSAWANagoya Universitytissue growth regulation, cell death
Miho OHSUGIUniversity of TokyoChromosome, cell division, nucleus
Chitose ONEYAMAAichi Cancer CenterSignal transduction, tyrosine kinase, extracellular vesicles, microRNA
Akiko SATOHiroshima UniversityMembrane traffic
Ken SATOGunma UniversityIntracellular traffic and organelles
Miyuki SATOGunma UniversityIntracellular traffic and organelles
Shiro SUETSUGUNAISTCellular shaping and transport
Asako SUGIMOTOTohoku UniversityChromosome and cytoskeleton
Hideki TAGUCHIScience TokyoLife of proteins
Tomohiko TAGUCHITohoku Universityintracellular traffic and organelles
Kenta TERAITokushima UniversityAdvanced technology, signal transduction, intravital fluorescence imaging, mice, intercellular communication
Fumiko TOYOSHIMAScience Tokyostem cell biology
Satoshi WAGURIFukushima Medical UniversityIntracellular traffic and organelles
Naoki WATANABEKyoto UniversityCell motility, cytoskeleton, Imaging
Sawako YAMASHIROKyoto UniversityCytoskeleton, cell motility, mechanobiology

Editorial Board

Toshiya ENDOKyoto Sangyo UniversityMolecular cell biology, structural biology
Akihiro HARADAOsaka UniversityIntracellular traffic and organelles
Tatsushi IGAKIKyoto UniversityCell growth, differentiation and death
Naoko IMAMOTOJikei University of Health Care SciencesNucleocytoplasmic transport, nuclear pore complex, nuclear envelope, stress response
Kozo KAIBUCHIFujita Health UniversityNeuroscience, Signal transduction
Eisuke MEKADAJikei University of Health Care SciencesGrowth factor, extracellular matrix and bacteria toxin
Noboru MIZUSHIMAUniversity of TokyoAutophagy, lysosome, proteolysis
Kazutoshi MORIKyoto UniversityLife of proteins
Kazuhiro NAGATABiohistory Research HallCell biology (Molecular chaperone, Proteostasis)
Akihiko NAKANORIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics and Science TokyoMembrane traffic, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, endosomes, live cell imaging
Hiroshi OHNORIKENImmunology, microbiology
Yasushi OKADARIKEN and University of TokyoCytoskeleton, cell motility, advanced technology
Sachiko TSUKITATeikyo UniversityEpithelial barrier, tight junction
Yoshihiro YONEDABIKENChromosome, nucleus, gene expression
Shigenobu YONEMURATokushima UniversityCell adhesion, extracellular matrix
Hiderou YOSHIDAUniversity of HyogoLife of proteins
Tamotsu YOSHIMORIOsaka UniversityIntracellular traffic and organelles, life of proteins

CSF International Editorial Board

Dominic De NardoMonash UniversityAustralia
Andrew J. EwaldJohns Hopkins UniversityUSA
Alexis Gautreau CNRSFrance
Hiroshi HamadaAshoka University/National Centre for Biological SciencesIndia
Tsuyoshi HirashimaNational University of SingaporeSingapore
Eduard HurtHeidelberg UniversityGermany
Takanari InoueJohns Hopkins UniversityUSA
Yoichi KosodoKorea Brain Research InstituteKorea
Michael LazarouWalter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical ResearchAustralia
Shoichiro OnoEmory University, School of Medicine, USAUSA
Justin ParrenoUniversity of Delaware, Dept of Biological ScienceUSA
Steffen ScholppExeter UniversityUK
Yuki ShindoThe University of Texas at DallasUSA
Yusuke ToyamaNational University of SingaporeSIngapore
Jerrold R. TurnerHarvard Medical SchoolUSA
Michael WayFrancis Crick InstituteUK
Haguy WolfensonIsrael Institute of TechnologyIsrael
Hong ZhangInstitute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of SciencesChina